Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Sleep Walking

Lyra told me she wanted to face out and be nosy when I loaded her in the sling. I had my doubts but it's not my place to argue with the world's most determined 9-month-old. So out she faced. And she was zonked and catching flies before you could say 'I told you so'.

Lyra learned to jump today (on a trampoline whilst holding onto mummy)

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Some people have been asking more about our adoption so here is the low down for anyone who's interested.

My husband (Tom)'s cousin Sarah had a baby on March 7th called Ellen who was immediately taken into foster care. Since around February Tom and I have been involved with social services with a view to adopting Ellen if her mum was unable to care for her. We have been through months of assessments, as has Sarah. On Friday a court hearing determined that Sarah would never be able to care for Ellen and that she should come to be a sister for Lyra and that this should happen asap. So this week Tom, Lyra and I are in Kendal doing our handover week. We are spending lots of time with Ellen (who we will call Ellie) and her foster mum in the hope that we can learn all her routines and foibles and she can begin to form an attachment with us. We hope to take her home on Tuesday. All is going well so far and we look forward to starting our new life altogether very soon. Sarah will be visiting us at home in Croydon after a week so she can see that we are doing our very best for her little girl and to help her come to terms with losing her. After that we will ensure that Ellie and her mum get to spend at least three days a year together and we will ensure that Ellie also spends time with all of her maternal grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings etc.

But above all, we will love and cherish her and raise her as a sister to Lyra. And we can't wait!

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