Day by day

By LizzieBeattie

Bob inspects

Bob is quite biddable and largely comes when called. However, this morning, when we walked past the rear of the stage for the Proms in the Park, Bob took off from the usual route, grinned at the security guards and went off to inspect the action. With his ball of course, just in case. It was quite weird. No amount of calling worked and eventually when he took the route under the stage, the security guard told me that we would have to go and fetch him as there was fencing on the other side and Bob wouldn't get out.
So we set off, me still calling. Bob eventually turned around and tried to ignore me, heading off to the exit as if to say that he'd had a look and it wasn't that impressive - anyway no-one looked interested in throwing his ball for him!

The news is that another tent is being built at the back of the stage - orchestral bags, function area? And more portaloos have arrived.

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