Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Scotland's Secret Bunker

Today we had a wander around Pittenweem at the harbour and had a bit lunch at a cute little pub, and I broke my diet by having a bright blue ice cream with marshmallows in. Was delicious though and entirely worth the calories. :D

But the absolute highlight of the day was going to Scotland's Secret Bunker which is something I've wanted to do for a while. Its a bunker that would have been used a centre of defense in the event of an actual nuclear. It satisfied my geeky nature and love of post apocalytia. ;) It's completely intact from the days it was intended for use and everything has been kept the same as it was (with added mannequins which I'm sure weren't there in the early 90s...) and they've really got the atmosphere down well. It helped that there were very few people in there so the feeling of isolation really rang true too.

However we were the last two people in the place and on the way out passed the girl who worked there. She said to open the external gate on the way out but when we got to the door it was locked. Ooops. We bolted back to try and find her and as we ran along the corridor the lights went out, leaving only the emergency lights. Eventually we found a security man who let us out, but I won't lie. I freaked out when we were walking through and the whole area went black. A thought it would be hilarious though if we were the last people in there. I did not.

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