Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Student Life

My Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the campus begin in the Writing Center which is inside the library building. I'm on duty for 2 hours and then I walk across campus past the brand new Center for Student Success building to meet my students in the classroom. When class concludes, I walk back the way I came and again into the Writing Center for another hour of duty.

So this afternoon when I returned to the WC, I could not get through the door because of the long line of students waiting to login or logout at the attendance computer. I finally excused my way into the room and asked the instructor on duty if he had notified the Writing Center Director of this mess. He said it had been like this since right after I had exited earlier at 10:00.

"Okay, but did you email the director to let her know?" I asked.

"No!" he replied. "But I will," was his finishing statement and he was gone.

So I flipped on the camera of my phone and told everyone in line not to look at me if they did not want to be in a photo. They all quickly turned away. I clicked and captured the photo in the upper right corner. I then emailed it to the director. Within moments everyone instructor in the English department had that photo and a message from the director about the "crowdedness" in the center. So I decided I must have the winning blip for the day -- at least at my campus.

I thought it was quite funny that she used the photo. So I think I might send her more throughout the semester. When I saw it come back to me as email, I knew I would use it for today's blip.

Since a long line of students is not that interesting, I thought I'd include a shot of the new building and one of the signs inside the building. It truly is a great building. And the flowers . . . well, I stole shots of them as I was shopping in the grocery store on my way home from the campus.

Finally, thank YOU everyone for the fun comments on the "whales" I posted yesterday. I think Tina's suggestion that "red lips" is the best approach to give our new whale a feminine quality. Should we get "baby" whales, we will be sending them to Barb and her lake in Montana. All of you are too much fun! We love it. By the way, the warm afternoon sun melted the "she" whale's wrinkles . . . she's smooth now. Of course, I'll blip her again soon.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Dinner this evening included Ceasar salad, sauteed brussel sprouts with fresh onions, and my main course was barbecued steak; Mr. Fun had his diet entree to accompany the salad and veggies.

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