Writer's Block

By writersblock

It makes a difference...

At work, I have truly been working my rear off... It's been busy and I've been juggling multiple projects and managing lots of expectations. Today and yesterday I was sincerely thanked and praised... Once by my direct boss and once by a peer who I truly respect, admire, and enjoy working with.

It's amazing how much of a difference that makes. I will bend over backwards and be stretched in a dozen different directions...always "on"....on message, on vision, on board with anything. But when you thank and appreciate me and are fun to be around, I will do it ten times harder and LOVE it.

Today I am grateful for good bosses, GREAT collegues who feel my pain, a loving fiancé who puts up with me, and friends who pick me up and make me laugh.

(today's photo is taken at the Beacon's. We are dog sitting Amber the Dog for our friends Christa and Ed. She looks exactly like Kona except a miniture version!!)

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