Gifts of Grace

By grace


I had a house in Omdurman. This is a photograph of a photograph of it. You can just make out the corner of my bed (slight red tinge in the bush shapes far left), the Nile flowed just outside the gate. I slept under palm trees and stars for five years. Energetically I came profoundly under the influence of the local Sufis. I feel forever blessed and changed by my time there. Many happy memories are stirred every day by our Cairo correspondents.

Why this? Why today? This morning I was overjoyed by this shot in one of their journals. Then for the rest of the day I've been restless 'Wanting something' but I knew not what. It came to me when I was trawling the net this afternoon.

I want to say something about 9/11. I found some things that might say something of what I feel.

First this reflection.
Then, for solace, this.

I could as well have compiled a slideshow of images from Blip (if I knew how to do that, if that's even possible). Peace be on us all for loving the diversity of life on our planet and for sharing what we love each day. Some days you just feel how this place is at the leading edge of evolving consciousness.

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