
For a Saturday my list of things to be done wasn't particularly ambitious but the likelihood of completion was slightly hampered by not starting until mid-afternoon, though as one task required getting copies of the flat keys I couldn't start until Nicky's set of flat keys had been retrieved from the Keith to whom they had been lent which wouldn't happen until the mid-afternoon, though in the end this set of keys didn't feature any more originals than had already been retrieved from the various bunches already in the house. The twenty-minute wait required for the copying to be done ate slightly into the time available to get to one of the rare Saturday-opening post offices to send back the Medium shorts in exchange for another pair of Large, though I made it in plenty of time despite pausing for a few moments to mourn the loss of my bike pump under the wheels of a few cars and buses on Queen Street. Possibly the only major fault with these shorts is that the slight flare to the leg-holes occasionally catches on things, previously only resulting in the need to kick my water bottle back into the cage on two occasions but unfortunately today taking out the pump from the clip next to the water bottle. The third task was relatively non-urgent and non-Saturday-specific (or at least not impossible to complete on Sunday, as getting keys cut and parcels posted would be) but was successfully completed minutes before the relevant shop shut, though it unfortunately revealed a slight gap in the knowledge of the shop staff which shall make me wary of returning despite the shop's relative locality in comparison to the preferred and friendlier but significantly more distant shop. I'd gone local in order to get back in time to go out for some food, managing to get everything eaten despite the increasing wriggliness and incipient bedtime grumbliness of the wingpiglet. He'd been quite happy on his morning let-Nicky-sleep-walk featuring his first outward-facing-papoose-test this morning so had been left strapped in but facing forward when I sat down, but soon started trying to writhe out of it when stationary for a few minutes, though most of the food could be eaten with only one hand with only a slight risk of accidentally using him as a napkin, though I was able to remove the small blob of curry and rice from his sleeve before he noticed it and investigated.

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