Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

9-11-10 vs. 9-11-01

Just a flip of those last two numbers and 9 years has passed. My country is still raw from that day, which saddens me. I am about remembering and moving forward. It's what I think is the healthiest thing to do. There still seem to be people that can't move on and are letting it eat away at them inside. I hope we can all heal someday.

I took my boys to some garage sales today. I'm in search of another small dresser for my oldest, but it was apparently "little girl" garage sale day with piles of pink and purple.

I spent a good part of the day trying to fix my Photoshop problem and even resorted to installing a trial of CS5, which worked beautifully. I was then able to finally figure out it was a scratch disk issue and used the trusty CTRL+ALT+SHIFT technique to wipe out the settings and start fresh. Thank goodness for Google. Now I've got 30 days to drool over this CS5. I have PS7, which doesn't know what a RAW file is to save its life unfortunately. I'm loving the Bridge program too.

I'm not sure what this little thing is, but I found in sitting in my yard this evening. It had several types of bugs chewing away at the bottom and is shaped like a cherry. There are no plants in my front yard at all, so I have no idea where in the world this thing came from. I had my reverse lens thing going, so I figured I'd give it a try. I've also been running my camera in full manual the last two days, which is invigorating. It was sort of my last step, so now I'm walking all on my own.

Hoping you are all having a beautiful weekend. :)

Coolest in large in my opinion.

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