Day by day

By LizzieBeattie

Land of Hope and Glory

There have been some really heavy rain bursts today, but people were still coming early to the park to get their prime spots armed with various accoutrements for dealing with more rain and wet grass. The entry notice banned gazebos and I have to say that I am struggling to imagine people bringing in a whicker construction laced with rose blooms. As it turned out there was no further rain after late afternoon and the whole early proceedings was blessed with cheery sunshine.
We knew that the fireworks weren't far off when the orchestra climbed its final scale in to the refrain of Land of Hope and Glory. There was the usual encore and with no prevarication the fireworks started virtually on the last note and contemporaneously with the assembled voices rising to a cheer. It's all very emotional even from over the treetops!
Sorry everyone about the quality of the Blip. Mea culpa and where's my tripod?

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