Cow Parsley

I went to the Beaufort Park Hotel today to go through some health and safety checks with one of the ladies who I support there. In the car park there were two coaches decked out in tinsel, they were the Turkey and Tinsel coaches which bring people here from now until Christmas. I walked into the foyer and yes you've guessed it the flippin christmas tree and lights and all the garlands were up. They had been put up on Sunday. Thats it now Christmas is going to be rammed down our throats and its only October. Far too early

Didn't see very much of the day as stuck mainly indoors, got home at 4.40pm and the light was starting to fade, so took a quick trip into the woods to get a blip. Poor light so had to resort to flash which worked well and again put a bit of colour into the sky. Dont know why it does that

Not looking forward to the dark nights they're so depressing and dreary.

Thanks for all your comments on yesterdays blip, much appreciated. Hope you all have a good evening

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