Balancing whites...

I did a quick evening round, and while i did make some shots of (how cliche) barbed wire under a streetlight, i also made above shot. While i shot in RAW, the left/bottom part is how the foto would have looked if i left the whitebalance on AUTO. The upper right corner is a quickndirty slide of the whitebalance ruler.

Now the yellow/orange light on that street is really .. eeuhm.. wel, yellow/orange actually, so it prolly pays off to edit the whitebalance a bit. But the upper right, with the colors about as they "should" be, is wrong also: Although the cars look as they 'are' in daylight, they didn't actually look like that, so why fake it?

The left/bottom looks almost sepia, but i assure you, there's no such filter going on there ;)

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