Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Day 4: Something that bothers me

So i am on Day 4 of Julie's Blip challenge. Today's theme was something / someone that bothers me. This was difficult, it has taken me all day to think of what i want to blip about. There is not a lot that bothers me to be honest ... and yet there is a lot that bothers me - choices choices!!!

In the end the thing that bothers me most is Death ... not actually death itself but my own attitude and acceptance of inevitable death. The idea of death and no longer being around does not scare me in anyway whatsoever!! I tend to joke and laugh about my own eventual end and how it will either never come or if it does it will be on my terms and my way ... sometimes the way i think about death bothers me. I think it bothers other people at times too.

Tomorrow the theme is something old , that should be much easier!!!

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