Armchair Books

A soggy walk round the block at lunchtime ... no time or inclination to go on an extended wandering to get some inspiration.

Ach well, nothing on tonight (and no more bloody plums to stone). Fish pie in the oven, a sneaky glass of something, a quick blast of TV to try and win back some % points from the sky+ box (its winning at the moment) and an early bed for me.

Baby42 is learning to sit up at the moment and she loves being a bit independent and being able to look about. She sat up in the bath tonight (wedged between my ankles) and played with her bath toys for the first time, while grinning away at me. She'll be sitting unaided soon I reckon. I know that all parents must go through this, but its truly amazing to watch her grow and change.

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LOTD: The grainyness and simple composition in Richard's "Its rainin' sideways" blip is great.

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