Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

(Polite) Note

Slightly strange yet good day today. Met up with this charming chap to chat, flaneur (though our flaneuring was done by day, obv), and shoot some.

En route to nowhere and everywhere, we bumped into a couple of people I know, one of whom I hadn't seen in bare time. He was doing good, which was great to know. I wanted to give him a hug but sensed a little reluctance on his part. Is cool tho, just stoked to know he seems to be doing alright. T'other dude, my friend and brilliant trumpeter, Martin Smith, had with him the Picasso horn and told me of a strange delight - on site vinyl cutting down the road. It's an installation thingy for the biennial and, until Monday, on Seel St, a chap is there with vinyl cutter so you can go in and cut a record for free, and the grooves are made while you play. How freaking sweet is that, eh. Very W.C. Handy. I shall be visiting. If he has any slots free, I may even be cutting a blues in homage to my musical roots. Delight! :-)

MV was delightfully easy to hang with, which is good. I'd have to say that since he can read this, but it is indeed totally true. Good thing, cos I'm in no mood to play semantics to find a polite way to not lie yet not offend. Being able to say honestly positive things is so much more straight forward. He's also stellar for getting shooting tips - and I've decided to stop dicking around so much with always shooting fully manual 'cept for AF, as I've learned that actually using Aperture Priority mode works better in many cases.

Now, for the (Polite) Note To Self - while turning phone off for an afternoon may have it's beepless wonders of relaxation, turning it back on to a torrent of "can you be X at Ypm to do Z?" messages is really not. Also, forgetting you had plans for the evening and only remembering as said evening looms is also rather silly. Hence being back here blipping en route to more adventures....(on the other hand, you do at least avoid uttering the socially embarrassing faux pas of "Excuse me please, my butt is vibrating," in front of someone you've only just met. Something which I have, on less than rare occasion, done)

(The shot is from Renshaw St, btw, and reminded me of a programme on graffiti art I caught the other day. If I get time, I may edit this to fill in the details. Emphasis on "may")

*** For more (and better) on flaneuring, see also here.

Update - I have a seriously awesome backblip for 15th September, and shall deal with it asap. Just have to backup and deal with hard drive first. WATCH THIS SPACE.....

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