Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Batteries not included

It has been weeks of tooth pain, and me stubbornly thinking I knew how to treat it, which left me looking like I was growing a pear out of my cheek and having to have a root canal, and now heading soon to a micro-surgeon to try to figure out how to fix the danged thing. Usually one to grab herbs and potions, I have been pretty grateful for antibiotics and pain pills, though the pain pills left me in quite a fog. It has been a couple of days off of them, and I am still feeling a bit like a zombie. Glad to have had them, and danged glad to be off of them. Yikes!

So, today, this book arrived!! Looks like a great day to kick of the shoes and go outside and enjoy reading. (I've already read a bit and reluctantly put it down to go do practical stuff.)

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