Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Dried Cow Parsley

The day started wild and windy with 30 mph speed limits on the bridge. A sure sign that we are getting closer to the autumnal equinox when the winds get high blowing the leaves from the trees.

Later in the day the winds and passed and so I went for a wander. You have to be quick these nights to get in and out after tea and before darkness falls. I had intended looking for the sunset but when I reached the top of the hill the clouds were obscuring it! So on to plan B, blip everything in sight - the half moon in the sky, the pinks and blues of the sky out the sea, even the plums littering the floor of the woods. No doubt shaken down by the winds too!

What I ended up with was this cow parsley. Its one of those plants you walk by and ignore all summer long. However as it dries and the seed heads develop it starts to take on a rather different look. I thought it looked almost like little beads on the ends of the stems rather than seeds :)

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