
By schlimm

Lice and nits

...are apparently part and parcel of the school experience. Well, so far we had escaped it and gladly so. However, it wasn't to last and after S had scratched her head raw and I found a louse on my head I had to face the inevitable. Lice and nits which means lots of combing of hair with tiny combs. Interestingly it wasn't the comb that the girls found worst it was the washing of hair afterwards, the water in the eyes.

But we had to wash the hair often, comb it with conditioner, killer oil and other substances and now (this is a backblip) the children get searched for lice every so often leaving me to feel like a monkey mum searching for lice, only difference I don't eat the lice but either split them in half with my nails or make the disappear down the toilet quick! Luckily there are no more lice to be found just now and I can relax.

My head is still itchy though and this despite double treatment and more whilst in Switzerland. I will have to ask B to search my head for any creatures then...

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