Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Angel Fish - Photoshop mixed media collage

This has got to stop...I'm becoming obsessed with Photoshop as an art workspace.

I made a little origami angel fish to amuse Henry...then decided to blip it. But I couldn't just blip it could I? Nooooo me, being me had to try some layers of tissue here...a sprig of bamboo there...a shell...a stone and before I knew it my quick blip was an evening's work.

I do rather like it though.

Edit: Technical bit-

I thought I'd better add this in as I think I've given the impression that this was done entirely in Photoshop.

Actually the fish was an origami fish and I balanced it on an old lightbox with some bamboo, a shell and a stone until I was happy with the composition...then I shot it from above with the lightbox turned on so it was back-lit. I wanted the stone and shell to be illuminated from above so I used a lamp for that purpose.

Then I shot a piece of tissue, also backlit by the light box. In Photoshop I combined the base image with several layers of the tissue shot and blended them in various ways.

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