simple moments

By simplemoments

pastel puffery

once again trying something new....hahaha, right! with the little camera i have that doesn't have a lot of options for settings or anything and with my very limited knowledge, that's funny... but i am learning from reading other journals. anyway, i was going for light, airy, floating - don't think i did too bad... sort of like the effect and considering the wind was totally wicked, the flower cooperated fairly well for me. yay!

slightly stressful day besides the wind.... gracie is not tolerating the ear gel for her thyroid tumors.... sigh... she has been very sick the last couple of days; difficult to see your baby sick on top of being sick! hopefully, this will pass...

question: if i were to invest in a better camera than the funky little digital i currently have, what would be a good one for purchasing? thoughts would be greatly appreciated...

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