
By inkyanna

my 'work' space

This is MY 'corner' of the WHOLE house. My children are NOT ALLOWED near it (they still do but expect punishment without complaint). They have effectively taken over the whole house and I jealously guard this very small space in the corner of the kitchen with bared teeth and a deep rumbling growl. This is where I work, eat, watch tv and think...mainly about giving up smoking and where my life has been and is going.

It looks a bit like that game we used to play as kids with a tray full of 'stuff' which you looked at for a minute until it was covered by a tea towel and you had to remember as many bits of 'stuff' as possible. This,obviously, was way before brain training on a Nintendo DS. Aaah, it was all so simple then.
Also note my really uncool mobile! My kids hate me for it!!

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