Blip Challenge

By blipchal

Revision time

Exams coming up - so a nice orderly revision table is needed. Everything laid out to hand, in apple pie order, with all extraneous things removed. Yes - thats the ticket.

However, the reality is - a laptop, required for PDF and wiki lookups (and a bit of blip/facebook/email). An ipod for music, a camera lens or two - well you never know when you might need them, some binoculars and a star chart - pretty essential I think you'll agree. The biology colouring book is there to lend moral support and um... well luckily the rest of the heap is out of shot!

So - there we have it - a blip of what I should be doing, instead of me doing it. I bet I'm the first person ever to do something other than revision in revision time - which makes me unique!

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