Tynecastle High School Annex No More

Fabby walk this morning with company and lovely weather.

Work was awesome.

I left work early on a mission, I walked through the streets of my youth as part of my History Of Ecodad in 100 blips project.

I attended this site in my first 2 years of secondary school before moving to the big school. Unfortunately the school has been replaced by an Aldi supermarket. I could still image were this old photo was taken due to the marks on the wall were the sheds, toilets and metalwork building used to be.

My memories are mixed from this site.

The wee bully Hulk and his mates stole my dinner tickets in my first week as a first year.

The school had a huge tarmac playground which was used for the mass football games. The playground was next to a special needs school, on one occassion there was a massive fight with our school. The so called 'hard men' met their match as the special needs kids showed no fear and ran through the hail of stones to attack them. It never happened again.

It was at this school that the history teacher and deputy head took me aside to have a chat 'We expect better' he said, that was enough to change my attitude and behaviour and I knuckled down.

School dinners were fine, but as special treats I would save up to go to the Sunshine chippy for a battered hamburger supper, they were brilliant.

Our English teacher started a nature study club, this is me and Rae McCaig posing for the school year book. She had lovely eyes.

My lasting memory was when I was at the pelican outside the school at lunchtime awaiting the green man to get to the chippy. I remember waking up in the arms of Mr Taylor the maths teacher against the school wall. Rushed to hospital in an ambulance. A bus wing mirror had hit me on the head and knocked me out.

In hospital I was interviewed by the police, they told me an eyewitness saw me hopping on one leg trying to hit the wing mirror as the bus sped past. I could not saw anything, spent 3 days in hospital in the head injuries unit.

I used this photo rather than just a photo of a supermarket car park.

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