Comme Ci Comme Ca

By iamsuperjulie

DAY 14: 11:11 Shot

A billion thanks to Blipfoto for the Blip of the Week Award. Yey! I was about to sleep last night when I refreshed my blipfoto window and saw 30 new comments and 7 new notifications. I really thought the site crashed and there was something wrong but when I opened it, it was 30 people congratulating me for BOTW! My heart skipped and pumped so fast that I couldn't believe my eyes. Guys, I'm deeply honored and at the same time humbled. Such an honor to be given this award and to wear the golden crown. Indeed, life's little pleasures comes unexpectedly. Thank you to everybody who subscribed and congratulated me. I tried to say thank you to each and everyone but I think I missed some people. Again, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Have you ever been so desperate in your life that you reached the point of wishing on shooting stars, read your horoscope, went to a palm reader, ask the crystal ball or even wish every 11:11th hour of the day? I believe that the 3 main things that a person should have in order to succeed in life are Hardwork, Optimism and Luck. If you don't have these 3, you will fail. Hardwork and Optimism can be learned but Luck depends on the forces of nature, timing, coincidences and God's grace to many. I for once doesn't believe in wishing or in tossing coins or crossing fingers but I can honestly say, I do wish for the sake of wishing. But at the back of my mind, I know I'm hoping that my wishes will come true. If there are things/wishes in my life that unexpectedly came true, I prefer to think that I work hard for it. I treated others equally and I was good to the world that the world gave it back to me. Wish do come true? Yes, but its not because of 11:11th hour, it's because it's destined to be yours.

Today is Yom Kippur here in Israel. This is a holiday observed every year by Israelis and they are not allowed to go on the streets with cars and other vehicles except bicycles. This is the day of Atonement where they need to fast and ask for forgiveness. I went out to find something good to blip and shoot at exactly 11:11. I saw children on their bicycles circling around Dizengoff. So quiet and so peaceful that its even possible to sleep in the middle of the empty street. I decided to take a picture of this bicycle and I hope it's suitable enough for today's challenge.

Shabbath Shalom Le Kolam!

DAY 15: Quote a Quote!

By the way: Check Michael's blip for today if you want to laugh! Hahahaha!!

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