David Harrington

By davidharrington

030/365 - Light Up My Morning

Today marks my 30th blip, and I found myself without any really creative ideas. I've been looking around everywhere I go for something to do with the number 30, but haven't had any luck. I did get this shot in McDonalds this morning. I thought the lights were really nice and decided to snap a pic.

Anyways, so far, my 365 project is going fairly well. I've had some tough days when I didn't really get a chance to take any pictures through the day. You can see evidence of those days by flipping through my blip stream and noting how many times you see Bob the Builder. He has become my muse. When all else fails, I grab Bob and Spud and I have an instant picture. I'd really like to get some photo gear for Bob because I think that would be really cute, but alas, they never made photographer Bob in miniature. :)

I hope you are all having a great day. May God Bless!

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