As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Julie <333333333

This morning was boring. I sat at home trying as hard as I could to avoid doing my homework. It worked until I finally caved after lunch. Luckily, Julie asked me to hang out so I was saved.

I hung out with Julie and Brianna at Julie's house for a while this afternoon. We made stupid webcam videos and had a lot of fun. Later, we decided to go out to Friendly's! On the walk home, I took a lot of pictures and Julie took quite a few as well. This is a picture of Julie and Brianna holding hands while laying down in the driveway. We just kept taking more pictures until people started to show up. When everyone got there, Julie took us inside for a surprise.

Julie made a montage of pictures from when she first met everyone until now. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. (For those of you that don't know, Julie goes to a different high school than the rest of us.) It was all about how we're going to stay friends forever! :) I LOVED IT!!!

I'm exhausted. Good night.

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