Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Happy Birthday Mom!!! (And Zeeshan)

Today is Mom's 81st birthday and we all had a great time with Michele and David who came down for her birthday. Michele got here earlier and David flew down yesterday. Unfortunately, he must leave tomorrow for work. I'd sure love it if everyone lived a whole lot closer.

Yesterday, Mom told us how she jumped out of a plane when she was young during a relay race. The planes would take off circling around, swoop down and land, then slow a bit but not stop. She'd have climbed out onto the wing so that she could jump off and go retrieve a flag, then the plane would circle round again, and she'd jump back on and repeat. She loved flying in open cock pit planes. can hardly get me on one at all, and I sure as hell would not venture out onto the wing.

We swapped stories tonight, and I was thinking how very full life is, that in a lifetime together, we could still never learn everything and hear every adventure. There is always something new and interesting to discover about the people we love.

It would be great to have photos of tonight, but sometimes it seems I can either have a great time and relax with folks or do photos. Plus...dang, I'd like a camera that could take better photos in low light. Yeah, that's the ticket. Blame my camera. heh

Today is also Zeeshan's birthday. Wow, time does fly, and no matter how I try, I just can't seem to s l o w it down.

Here's to the budding promise of each new day.

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