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Today's title is courtesy of the Harcourts real estate sign on the side of this earthquake damaged building.

View large to see the sign

I came home via the edge of town today. It's the first time I've been here since before the earthquake. Something inside of me was ready. The fallen rubble is mostly gone but many buildings are cordoned off and some, like this example, are unlikely to survive.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover many of my favourite haunts remain either with a green sign (all is structurally sound), or a yellow sign (has had a visual inspection but is deemed to need a closer look by a structural engineer).

Our city is far from flattened. I'm amazed at the skills of men and woman who have designed so many buildings and made standards that have meant we've come through a major earthquake as well as we have.

For many this isn't the case though, with homes, businesses and jobs lost. For countless others these things aren't yet clear.

I did well last night. I slept through the larger shock but was suddenly wide awake around 4AM. I did feel and hear a small shock (one that the GNS site malfunctioned on but an expert at work assured me wasn't my imagination). I expected my sleep would have a measure of unease but I know this will settle with time.

Mum is enjoying being home. It's a slow process and she's doing well with finding her limits and enjoying simple pleasures again.

Onwards and upwards for both of us.

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