Pip's thoughts

By willipmrpip

A novel reflection

Today has been unique and strange. Unique because it is the first time in the last 30 years when I've really thought about the future. Strange because I now no longer shy from thinking about the future.

I will shortly say goodbye to a career that I have been in love with since it first began, and today I really came to confront what leaving it will mean to me.

Sad of course, you always feel like that when you leave something so familiar. But the fear that gripped me when I finally acknowledged that I had to go is no longer there. I thought I was institutionalised by my occupation. Now I know the truth. I had institutionalised it and letting go will not be the wrench I though it would be.

The photo is of a glass of wine on the coffee table in my lounge. There have been many of these over the years and all were viewed as a snatched bit of relaxation before bed and another early alarm.

Soon relaxation won't be 'snatched'. There will be no more alarms. An a simple glass of wine will take on a different hue.

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