Vista Park Pix

By VistaBob

Geese in Flight

Dramatic sky this morning at 6:15 am hence this view of sunrise. Later, when processing, I noted three specks in the sky. They look like Canada Geese to me. Since we are in late September and they are heading south, they must be migrating from Canada. Let us suppose so.

Still a little moisture in the air. We have a forecast of 10% chance of rain. Tomorrow should be really rainy with a 20% chance and then for the rest of the week 10% and zero.

Tonight we will attend a lecture presented by a Dr Elliot Cheu, of the Physics Department at University of Arizona. He will provide the latest news from Europe on the Super Collider and the Search for Dark Matter. He took a leading role in the design of the Atlas Detector. Nice to have programs like this available in our neighborhood.

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