
By Skyroad



We drove into the inner city with the wean yesterday, to have lunch with a couple of friends and their little girl. Sam wanted to check out the new co-op market on Weaver's Square before we met them, since it is in the same area, known as The Tenters. The name apparently derives from the 17th Century when the Huguenot (French Protestant) weavers came to live in the area and had to put up 'tenter hooks' in the fields to stretch and dry the poplin because of the inclement Irish weather. Once they made a success of things the English cotton and woolen industries suffered. So new taxes, new rules (all marterial had to come through England first) and Irish cotton was soon in decline.

I always keep an eye out for graffiti, and I particularly liked this: clear-headed, carefully punctuated: No-One...... PERIOD.

I also took a number of shots of doors (one blue and SIGNED, the other grey and accompanied by a GHOST DOOR) and this WINDOW (presumably the old 19th Century Tenter Building).

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