Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Morning at the window..

Fully charged, here are the broken windows I promised you yesterday! I think this area around my new office is going to keep me entertained for a while :-)

No.1 starts nursery school tomorrow...drum roll it's all quite exciting here. We put his clothes out for the morning, before he went to bed and he's got his new Mickey Mouse bag all packed. Bless!

We've had a crazy evening making Chocolate Brownies (of all things) so obviously tensions have been running high! Now it's all done and they're sitting cooling nicely in their tray it (almost) seems worth it :-) Anyway, they're not even for me, so that's a grave disappointment. T is going to see some of our friends who've just had a baby, so they get the treats. Since brownies aren't quite a good enough reason for me to have a third child, I have to concede they're welcome to them!

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