Ain't got time...

Another last minute image. Got a lot done today though. Went round to the carpet shop and got a bit lino to cover the bathroom floor for a song. Carried that home and dumped it on the floor with a view to fitting it this afternoon, but then everything happened at once...

The OT phoned and wanted to come round, phoned mum, a friend popped in, the men came back with the tele (apparently there was nothing wrong with it - but they kept it for two weeks just in case??? Man not buying the story since a) it didn't work before it went away, b) the loan TV worked fine and c) it is working now that it is back up on the wall), the specialist nurse phoned, the cat got stuck inside the TV box, the OT phoned again, I popped round to the butcher to get tea.... and somewhere in there I managed to gut a bit more stuff out of the room.

Needless to say I collapsed in a heap this evening. Watched Predator - thought the bit where Jesse Ventura said "I ain't got time to bleed" was surprisingly appropriate given the day.

Maybe tomorrow will be a bit more laid back... I hope!

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