With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Dr Dolittle

I should have been able to put a shot of orisit being saintly, but being saintly, she was silent in her work. The divine smell of bleach came up the stairs, with the sound of stairs being scrubbed, followed some time later by a cup of tea and a cheery "hellooo" and "stay there!".

Today has been difficult. I've been struck by a cold that I'm sure otherwise would have taken a toss of the head, a few hankies, and a lemsip to get rid of. Meanwhile, with help, the boys have returned from school, homework has been done and they are clean and fed. I couldn't really ask for much more.

Little Agu is requesting 'normal' to enter out vocabulary, so we have decided on our normal at the moment. And Ben seems to be an absolute centre to this. Dr Dolittle speaks to the animals and to brothers and to mothers and fathers alike. He is an exceptional child.

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