Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

1000 blips

what a fascinating phenomenon this blipfoto thing.

1000 moments in my life, recorded in photographs, uploaded and collated and sorted, juxtaposed with other "blippers" photos, their moments in time frozen next to mine.

What have I learned?

The true value of time.

1000 blips , brief glimpses into my life, but significant, a glimpse of a smile, the blink of an eye, the sparkle of a reflection, sadness, joy, fear, anticipation....captured and recorded and placed here for any of the curious to see.

1000 blips = 1000 days (though I have given up trying to blip everyday). Multiply that by 10 and count backwards on the timeline of this life and I am a young man fresh out of college, optimistic and foolish and full of the feeling that my life has just begun.

Multiply that 1000 by 100 and count back again and we are standing on the fringe of a new world of discovery.

And a 1000 x 1000 days ago was before even Herod and Jesus.
Well I have swum in the swimming pool in the ruins of Herod's palace at Herculeum along the Mediterranean Sea. It was once a pretty nice place all full of concubines and servants and spice and myrrh but it's all shot to hell now, and in retrospect I guess it wasn't such a long time ago that the bones of slaves and peasants were being ground to make mortar and grit.

So like a stack of pennies, or a book of savings stamps, I now see the value of a thousand moments, a thousand blips, a thousand days.

Thank you all of you for all being part of this experiment in telling time.

I will try and edit this in a bit to pick ten of my photos that I like best just to irritate you with, and I'll review my favourites list to see if I dare pick ten of your photos from all the great ones that I've favourited over the past year.


here's ten of mine if you have the time:

my friend Patti liked this one

and I like the symmetry of this one

Here was a crazy fun time

I'd forgotten about this until I remembered the cold

Not to toot my own horn but this one is cool

And what a blizzard

And I remember this so well

Ha Ha Ha

violin music please

New Age album cover anyone


And now for some random favourites of yours that I've enjoyed here on Blip, please don't be offended if you are included or overlooked:

My first favourite ever went to Scattered Polaroids

And I love Sarah's work though she hasn't blipped in a while

And S2 is amazing, some great stuff on this page

This one by bugsman was unworldly

I should boycott retired blippers (I'm kidding) but this certainly caught my eye as a finale by southside snapper

Some blips say more than others but I'm always touched by the optimism of Wells4Zoe

There is some greatly underappreciated art floating about on Blip, this one from junkyard joe only had 5 comments.

I've learned a lot from many of you without you knowing it or without my thanks. Flick taught me to see the eccentric within the mundane, and to crawl on my belly for a photograph.

Many of my favourites tend to be the "racier" images, but I was most surprised to see this enticing scene of misadventure from my blip friend kaybee.

And sometimes we just get a glimpse of someone's life like this beautiful image from the Godfrey family before they become busy and caught up in life and then you don't see them anymore.

I know I've left most of you out but I'm sure you know I'm not really playing favourites, I'm just throwing out a few random images that I like to demonstrate my love for blip and for all of you....

Thanks again


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