John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

Une nuit blanche

The French, of course, have le mot juste!. Une nuit Blanche!

Here I am in a relatively comfortable bed in a Cambridge college. My third night here in the last ten days - so not strange. Yesterday was a full working morning - a nice long walk to Grantchester in the afternoon. A delicious meal of Salsiccia with cassoulet of beans. Glass of wine. Work in evening! Went to bed feeling well tired. Woke at 3.30 am. Wide awake, not to sleep again all night.

Went and made cup of tea. Wrote a staffing proposal. Read a novel. Light out three times - and back on again!

Beside the bed the trusty Blackberry keeps track of the time for me!. I switch it off in case it's distracting. And back on again.

Morning dawns in my college room.

This afternoon I will travel back to Edinburgh. I think a sleep on the train might be coming on!. Wake up in Aberdeen?.

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