Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Look I'm just sitting here!!

Why is it that yesterday I had all these lovely photos to choose from and today I had zilch.

Could be, of course, that yesterday I made more of an effort and today I didn't. I had lots of ideas, but somehow I never got around to doing them and now it's too late.

So I'm afraid it's Sophia Sparkles again!. Doing what she can do best, getting into trouble. There am I filling up the tumble dryer, and she's in there, one of these days I'll close the door, and turn it on - et voila - one tumble dried cat!

Prior to writing this I'm sitting in my son Christian's room, talking, and this little white head keeps bobbing up behind the TV, eventually I get up and have a look only to discover that she's got her claw stuck in the back of the TV!!

Anyway, all's well, peace has now descended on the house, Sophia is asleep!!

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