This Edinburgh Life

By Meteor

My new friend

Not the greatest Friday I've ever had. The week may have started with joy for Harvie as he lost his first tooth (see Sunday's entry), but it ended with me losing one too, the first for more than 25 years.

I went to the dentist with what I thought was a cracked filling, to be told the tooth had split vertically and couldn't be saved. The rigid filling was probably holding everything in place. It tooks lots of local anaesthetic and 20mins of yanking, crushing and drilling before it was removed. It's one of the molars towards the back, so it's not too obvious, but it feels like there's a huge crater where a tooth used to be.

Once my mouth ceased being numb, it was a little uncomfortable. Hence the super strong painkillers. Managed to get through work and am now helping things along with a glass of red wine. Hoping to manage an omlette later.

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