Mistaken meringue

I woke with a notion to make lemon meringue pie for tonights pudding. Found a recipe online and quickly scribbled it down. Gorodn went off to work, taking computer to do his essay on later.
Rohan made, all by herself, the sweet pastry, Lily helped with the lemon filling and Noah helped with the meringue. I have made meringue quite a few times, and did think it a bit strange that the recipe had cornflour in the meringue bit, but figured that as it was a pie, maybe it was different. As I was dropping it into the mix, I thought that maybe (due to no glasses yet!) I had written 2 tblspn instead of 2 tspn. Too late. The damage was done.
So we had delicious pastry and fabulous lemon bit, topped by sweet, thick, in the style of an Ibiza nightclub, foam.
The whole creation took hours.
But it did get eaten.

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