The Morning after the Night Before

It was the most beautiful early morning today with the low sun slanting through the trees in the Meadows and casting long shadows on the grass.
The seagulls were out in force looking for breakfast before things got busy, and the Big Issue seller at the foot of Middle Meadow Walk was uncharacteristically silent, saving his voice for the people yet to put in an appearance.

I discovered that the big marquee which has graced the south end of the Meadows for the last 3 days was for the Student Freshers' Fayre. Men were dismantling it this morning but it had obviously been a good night by the amount of rubbish left in and around the litter bins. My blip is of just one litter bin.

I was up and about to collect the morning papers early as I wanted to get to the Edinburgh Quay by 9am to see the barges setting off along the Union Canal marking the 10th anniversary of the re-opening of the canal from Fountainbridge to Falkirk where it joins the Forth and Clyde canal to exit past Glasgow.

It was a rather jolly affair with much bunting and balloons and waving of flags.
Apparently tonight they will be in Linlithgow where they will be joined by more boats before proceeding to Falkirk tomorrow.

Unusually for us, we went into town this afternoon.
We had to pick up his Lordship's second pair of all seeing glasses, but had forgotten what a maelstrom of humanity it is on a Saturday afternoon. Suffice it to say the occasion hasn't produced any feel good endorphins in my other half, and I doubt we will repeat the experience any time soon.

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