
By D77

You ain't seen Bad Boys II?

Warning - The following statement is about as manly as this car:

I went to see Step Up 3D today.

Phew. It feels good getting that out in the open. Whilst not a patch on Step Up 2 (the final dance in that movie is incredible), it was still way better than the first one. The 3D aspect, once again, proved utterly superfluous. The bits where they were quite clearly trying to show off the 3D mainly involved people wiggling their hands at the camera but it never looked like what I'm sure it was supposed to. I do get the general feeling that people are being force-fed 3D, rather than actually wanting it in the first place. Apparently, 86% of plasma TVs will be 3D enabled by 2013. I'm sure the same optimistic figures were used regarding Blu-Ray, which seems to be taking an age to take off.

In the stoat around the mall afterwards, I found a shop that sells PS3 games, Bose speakers and HTC smartphones. The choice between Samsung and HTC in the smartphone world is really quite a tricky one, and it's nice to be able to see the latest stuff that's coming in, if only for comparison purposes (thankfully nothing else seems to be doing Swype just now). The guy in charge can't seem to shift his iPhone 4s (they are ridiculously expensive), and has preorders for the Samsung Galaxy S coming in daily. He was therefore mighty impressed when I gave him a demo of mine (I still appear to be the only person in Egypt with this phone); so much so that I am now eligible for a 50% on all PS3 games in his shop, which is a great result when you see how much they are out here.

Today wasn't really a big camera kind of day, so I just snapped the missus in Ruby Tuesday with my phone as we decided what to do for Christmas. When she gets back in from a sheesha trip (grrr), we'll be loading up Bad Boys II which I've not seen since Hot Fuzz parodied the action scenes so superbly a few years back.

Alternative entry title: Shit just got real.

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