horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

La Rochepot

After having a go about Guédelon in a blip from a few days ago, and its lack of history, here came a place that was full of history, though just as false. You see La Rochepot was, until the 1900s, a Revolution-created ruin, with merely parts of the outer walls still in place. But an 18th century drawing of the castle lead to a rather wealthy family rebuilding the castle just as it would have been (save for one missing giant tower, which was destroyed by toppling it from the base which took away part of the rock it was sitting on, losing any chance for foundations to be remade).

From the moment we crossed the drawbridge this was a fabulous place. We had to knock the door to be let in in the first place (which you also had to knock to leave), and were taken on a really nice little tour of the interior.

With the sun still shining we went to watch the real workers of the region producing that which we were spending a fortune on, stopping off at a little village called Nolay on the way back 'home', spotting a Hummingbird Hawk Moth (one of Mel's favourite beasties).

But but but... Tomorrow is the last full day we have *sad face*

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