On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Worked Flint?

A Treat

Have you got a treat in store! Eventually I am going to blip the finds we made in the back garden as a result of a few years of amateur archaeology!

A Digression

But first a digression ... on worked flint. Some people have an eye for finding it. Some don't. Some people pick up the most unconvincing of pieces and try and pass it off as worked.

We have unearthed and studied masses of possible candidates over the years but we haven't found anything that has convinced us. Until last week, that is.

I took a walk to capture this panorama and my wife scoured the edge of the newly ploughed field that we were alongside. She came back with the piece of flint pictured here (and modelled by her) which convinces us both of its man-made antiquity.

The Question

What do you think? A natural piece of randomly damaged flint or an intentionally worked tool?

You decide!

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