Secret Pleasure

I've been working at home today, which gave me a chance to indulge myself... with a trip to the municipal dump. It felt good to clear all the junk out of the garage and simply get rid of it. Astonishingly good in fact: very therapeutic.

Old broken toys ... mountains of cardboard boxes ... stuff in bin bags that I daren't even open ... all gone. You still wouldn't call the garage tidy, but you can set foot inside it now. While I was at the dump, I also discovered that there are specific recycling bins for old computer monitors, mobile phones and even your old specs. Fantastic.

Obviously, I had to take a photo or two. As I was snapping away, the site supervisor came up and asked me what I was up to - apparently they'd seen me on the CCTV. "It's, er, for my photographic journal," I mumbled.

Well, it was marginally less weird than telling him I'm a rubbish tip enthusiast.

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