Me and Max

By grete


I went into town today, to see an exhibition of photo artist Hedevig Anker. She specializes in window frames, in door handles, in the curve of a stairway. Her motifs carry a stillness and beauty that makes me humble. She has taught herself to listen to the details of houses for more than ten years. She is dedicated to her chosen area.

I had brought my camera. After being filled with the quiet of illuminated doorhandles and uneven woodwork, I walked about listening to the buzz of the city. I have not chosen a specific area to work with, I just go with the flow.

I am often attracted to children. I don´t really know why. Perhaps because of their ability to just be. To use whatever is there to amuse themselves and explore the world without asking why. Perhaps because they live fully within their own bodies. Perhaps because they seem so focused in what they do.

Perhaps I am attracted to children because I long to just throw away my preconceived ideas of what this life is all about and start exploring afresh whatever is in front of me.

Come to think of it, is that what I already do?

ps. The twin towers are part of Oslo Town Hall.

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