No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Hunt the Archaeologist...

Today I took the kids down to my mum & dad's, for a free dinner obviously (!!) but also to go and visit an archaeological dig close to their house, on an area of ground being cleared for a new windfarm just next to Daer reservoir. They have found lots and lots of exciting evidence of stone-age settlements - dating to around 10,000 years ago - so many finds, in fact, that they have nowhere near enough volunteers to dig, brush, catalogue etc before the winter sets in. So we were planning to volunteer for a wee while and get in on the excitement.

However, (despite me arriving nice and early at around 10.30am with the kids at my folks' house) there was much faffing around by my sisters and parents, and it was around 3pm by the time we eventually headed out to the dig, and then we couldn't find it at all - maybe everyone had had enough for the day and gone home, it was a bit chilly up in the hills after all. What a shame. Maybe another weekend then. Sorry, vik, no stunningly interesting archaeology photographs today!

So we headed right up to Daer reservoir instead and I took a few photos - it's quite impressive. However, this was my best shot of the day, wee D up in the hills beside the reservoir - there's a shocker. I seem to be much better at portraits than landscapes. Hubby reckons I should set myself a special landscape photography project to try and improve. I think he's right.

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