With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Little rock

It wasn't until I downloaded my shots from today, that I realised how Gormleyesque Ben looked up on the rock by Cuber reservoir.

This is the the general view from there. No I didn't climb up.

The boys have climbed or been pushed up and nearly fallen down from this boulder for the last seven years. We mark the state of the world from here. How full is the reservoir? Sometimes, gentle waves lap around its base as storm clouds gather; we've caught flakes of snow in our mouths from beneath or baked in the midsummer sun; very often we've eaten, for example the finest Birkdale Royal sausages, specially saved in the freezer until the moment comes when we can burn them a little over a wood fire.

Today, I'd had enough of playing games in the house and wanted to spend time out where we enjoy ourselves the most. And we returned to see some friends who had called for a while and then roast chicken etc.

My little rocks brought back a bag of smaller rocks, two hammers (one slightly bent now !) and another night to dream of days full of differences, similarities and the sheer joy and pain it is to be human.

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