Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

In to the deep

Today autumn has still showed its best for northern Finland. Sun has been shining so that it was almost a sin to stay at the office and do some priorization and sprint planning etc activities for R&D purposes.

I called it a day bit early as we went to see one house that is for sale. Nice house in two floors build at 1980 and in decent shape so could move in with only a minor rework. Bit expensive but what isn't. Well were thinking about is as our current apartment is starting to be little small for us atleast next year I guess.

However todays blip is not about moving, it's about Ikea. Yes you read it correctly as sometimes you can really buy something useful there with low price. This is a floor lamp made from paper with energy saving halogen that we've had already for 3-4 years. Still going on strong. Just noticed that from above it actually looks like a huge tunnel. A tunnel that has some dust gathered inside shouting someone to clean it up.. :)

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