Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

What a day

What a day indeed ... Aberdeen Autumn Holiday ... woke with high hopes of a chance to take some nice pics, but the day took a different course ... started with "Tiger is missing" ... Tiger our old cat ( blipped here ) is over 20 and has been on his last legs for a couple of years, once king of the barn, he went completely blind and suffered renal failure but he defied the odds and came running for his food every morning ... not today.

Couldn't find him anywhere, no sign all day and as he needs daily medication to keep him going, we fear the worst. He's been an outdoor cat all his days and this is his feeding station with a ramp to let him climb up to his bowls .. I've just been out and filled the bowls with his favourite tuna pouch in case he turns up overnight.

I've been at this feeding place every half hour or so today, each time hoping he'll be there, each time it has been empty.

... oh and apart from that, Johanna injured her back while trimming a horses foot and couldn't move at all, requiring a visit from the doctor in a G-MED 4x4 (a missed opportunity for a blip, but my mind was on other things at the time).

A painkilling injection eased things a bit but she'll be laid up for a few days I'm sure ... luckily I had already booked 3 days holiday this week though so am on hand to help out.

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