The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Hot Stuff but What am I???

Someone at work gave me this today and I instantly thought, Blip it quick, so I did and the result is here, I've tinkered about with a flame to give you a clue and some sky to give it some background, So what is it, Shy is not allowed to guess.

Had a bit of interest with the OU Digital Photography course with some folks asking for further details so here is the link To T189 Course
If anyone else is interested.

Back to proper blips tomorrow I leave PS alone for a few days, unless I see something interesting again.

Could be an assignment here as these give me a Guilty Pleasure


Well done Lynn, you guessed right, it's a brick that has melted under extreme temperature, well over 1100C, this is actually 2 or three bricks stuck together and then melted.
Guilty Pleasure of mine is that I love the patterns that are made during the failed process, but it causes a loss of production which is costly.

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