
By washedout


Does anyone else in Blipland keep a dream journal?

I am utterly fascinated by dreams and everything that they are capable of doing.
I've had my dream journal for about a year now & i haven't actually looked back in it yet.
I believe i'd like to fill it completely up first till I go back and see everything.

my goal:
I have come close twice & I feel that it would be beyond imaginable experience.
I will not give up =]

Inception was a good movie, it definitely brought some of my "dream signs" and dream life to the theater screen.
Here is a phenomenal piece of the OST done by Hans Zimmer called Time

and if you want to know more about Lucid Dreaming I would personall recommend this book to get a better understanding and to help teach you.

[Clouds always remind me or make me think of dreams also, so if you see cloud photos from me, you know what im thinking about]

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